Despite Variety naming producer Mark Burnett’s durable program the most influential program of the soon-to-be-concluded decade, it’s reign as a reality show has come to an end after nineteen wonderful successful seasons.
Please let me explain.
Don’t panic Fellow Survivor Geeks, season twenty, Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, will debut 52 days from today. However, when Survivor airs February 11th it will no longer be a reality show. It can’t be. Not after Jaison made the following statement at last night’s reunion show:
“This game (Survivor) is a lot like real life.”
Huh? Okay, Jaison did wear his “smart girl glasses” at Jury Council, and he is an aspiring attorney. It could even be that he is bitter because Hall of Famer Russell burned your socks for a second time, this time on the reunion show no less. But counselor, what did you just say.
The first word in reality is real. I don’t know about you, but my life is real and no part of it resembles the game of Survivor. I have never had my socks burned. Never have I dined on Sea Noodles and Slug Guts Parmesan. And regretfully, my life doesn’t include having beautiful beach nymphs, clad only in bandanas, cuddling up to me for warmth at night.
Oh yes, and there isn’t a $1,000,000 prize waiting for me. Not even a $100,000 check from Sprint for being the “Fan Favorite”. That my friends, is NOT reality.
Therefore, with that being said, it is official; Survivor is no longer a reality show.
I didn’t need an emotional speech from a teary-eyed Erik make me aware of this fact. Real life is one thing that Survivor is not. That is why I watch it. That is why I have a such passion for it. That is why I will be tuned in on February 11th for its twentieth season.
Enough pontificating on my part. Time for some random observations.
Shambo is Shambo, a loveable knucklehead…Dave Ball still reminds me of Mick Fleetwood…If the T-shirts that Brett was wearing are the ones that he designs professionally, maybe he is the one who needed to win the million bucks…Another thing about Brett, what was he talking about at Jury Council? I didn’t quite get it…Laura is an arrogant, snotty bitch that makes me vomit in my mouth…Monica’s Botox-inflated lips made her exaggerated facial gestures even more nauseating…
Was it just me, or did everyone look like they were ready to cry? A lot of watery eyes. Maybe it’s the HD…Am I the only one that has the image of Natalie hanging her lacy panties up to dry permanently etched into their brain? I bet not…Did this season have more petulant crybabies than usual? Everyone thought they got screwed…I let out a cheer when Hall of Famer Russell won $100,000 for being the Sprint Fan Favorite.
Oh, I almost forgot, Natalie outwitted, outplayed and outlasted to the tune of $1,000,000.
That’s it for Survivor Samoa. I can’t wait for Heroes vs. Villains. But remember, it’s not reality! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone. Make sure that you check back on Christmas Eve for my gift to you. Here’s a hint - it has Arno in it! Until next time…from the booth.
always sad when a show ends but always good to reflect on the good and bad and look forward to the next. I cannot wait for Christmas Eve and Arno (or perhaps I can! - will I be able to sleep? and not for the excitement of waiting for Santa but the description of Arno etched in my mind).
Thanks Sue…
Hopefully this story will leave you laughing. Hee hee…
I was disappointed that Russell didn't win. He played the game better than anyone and it's too bad those chuckleheads couldn't see that. Some of the speeches were hysterical! Can't wait for next season!
I am glad to see Russell get robbed from the victory he really earned because I hate him so much. Natalie skated by the whole season, but someone had to win.
Russell was certainly the villain this season. I would have liked to have seen Laura stick it out longer, and made a battle for it.
Russell and Shambo are the most memorable.
Yes, I will also be tuned in when season 20 rolls around regardless of how much I complain about it.
Ah, Mary is disappointed and Greg is glad about Russell's second place finish. The beauty of Survivor…
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