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Larry Fine |
my last blog, Is It Just Me?, I asked, “Is it just
me or do men appreciate the brilliance of the Three Stooges much more than
women?” Based on the feedback that I received, evidently it was indeed just me.
Judi, Jayne and Sharon all made it a point, that in no uncertain terms, they
not only appreciated the brilliance of the Stooges, but also were all longtime
By no means am I exaggerating when I
use the term longtime, especially with Jayne. She has been a fan of the
legendary comedy act since she was a child. In fact, she had the privilege of
meeting one of her idols at a young age.
When she told me this, I asked if
she would be able to send me a recap to tell me about her experience so that I
could use it in my blog. Her response was, “But of course! Anything to
promote my guys!”
Here is Jayne’s touching tale:
I was but a mere child, around 12 or 13 years old. My
stepdad was the manager of the Winnebago County Fair, and we lived in a big old
house on the fairgrounds itself.
Every year my stepdad would let me see the “list” of
acts within the price range that were available to appear at the fair. One year
the Three Stooges were on that list! Woo hoo! I mean, woo-woo-woo! With a tiny bit of encouragement, he arranged
for their appearance.
The day of the show arrived, and I was working
the grandstand as an usherette, as I did every year. It was a sunny day, about
an hour and a half before show time and I was sitting alone in the huge
grandstand, about halfway up. There were very few people there yet, so I was
just hanging out, watching the workers putting their finishing touches on
the stage on the field down below.
It was then that I noticed this funny little man
climbing up all those steps toward me. He was wearing a suit, and had curly,
fuzzy hair sticking out of his head. There was no mistaking him for anyone but
LARRY!!! It was Larry Fine of the Three Stooges!
I couldn’t believe my eyes. I knew he was heading for
me, as I was the only one in the area. He had a lot of steps to climb to get to
me, but he was agile and it didn't take him very long.
I was extremely shy back then (yes, really I was), and
I mean extremely. He smiled at me as he sat down right next to me. I was
mortified. It was just Larry and me. I was so taken aback and embarrassed at
myself that all I could do was giggle. I was speechless.
He just kept smiling at me. And when I didn't say
anything and continued to giggle, he started laughing too and asked me “Are you
laughing at me or with me?” I finally got the courage to speak and said, “With
you!” Then I asked him if my stepdad had put him up to this and he admitted
that he had, pointing out my stepdad down below. Who was also laughing.
We shook hands, exchanged pleasantries, and said
it was nice to meet each other. And then he was on his way back down the steps.
The whole thing only took a few minutes, but I could tell during that brief
encounter that he had the mannerisms of a very kind and gentle man. What a guy
to do that for a kid. He made my day!
Thanks for sharing that heartwarming story, Jayne.
Remarkably, Jayne wasn’t the only person to send me a
recollection of a personal experience with one of the Stooges. Believe it or
not, Mike also had an encounter with Larry Fine. Thing is, this story isn’t
nearly as uplifting. In fact, it might be better if Jayne doesn’t read it.
I will let you judge for yourself. Here’s what Mike had
to say:
a little background, my friend Bob and I were longtime phone pranksters. We
almost always worked as a team, from our early teens well in to adulthood. We
had a pretty impressive body of work. Several celebrities that most people have
heard of were among our victims.
hit Larry Fine circa 1973.
was a close friend of longtime radio personality Chicago Eddie Schwartz and
because I was Bob's oldest friend, Schwartz and I sort of became
“friends-in-law”. When he did the all night show at WIND, Bob and I would often
bring our dates up to the studio at 625 N. Michigan, hoping to impress them and
Eddie would let us sit in on his show.
to his closeness with Schwartz, Bob got the telephone numbers of various
celebrities that Schwartz had interviewed. Um, big mistake, Eddie.
evening, Bob and I decide to call Larry. He was living at a “home for retired
actors” and was very easy to get on the phone. Bob and I decided to play a
little prank on the famous Stooge.
role was to get him on the phone for a fake "radio interview". Bob
was playing the role of a representative from the B’nai B’rith who was
bestowing an award on Mr. Fine.
prank call went something like this:
answers. His trademark, nasally voice was very distinctive. It sounded the
same, but in slow motion. I replied in a booming, morning-zoo like radio
demeanor, “Hey, it's an honor to have the great Larry Fine with us on the air
tonight. Good evening Mr. Fine, I'm Bob Rouse.”
was the first name I could think of. Rouse was the assistant manager of
the bowling alley I patronized in Chicago. I went on, “With me is Sid Meyers
and he has some wonderful news for you, Larry”. I wanted to use a Jewish name
and I thought of Sid, a security guard at the Polk Bros. store that I worked at
in high school.
then took over. “Larry, it’s great to talk to you. I’m a longtime fan of you
guys, except for Curly Joe. Anyhow, Larry, it's my great privilege to tell you
at this time that you are the winner of our organization’s Golden Age of Comedy
Award and we would love to have you receive it in person at our
annual banquet in September”.
finally spoke. Slowly, but distinctly he said, “I’m afraid I can't travel, I’m
in a wheelchair.” Bob, without breaking stride, came right back with, “Larry,
not to worry. We are sending you two first class round-trip airlines tickets
for you and your caretaker. And, oh yes, Mr. Fine, I almost forgot. There is a
$10,000.00 honorarium that comes with this award.”
immediately changed his tune and replied, “Really?!? Okay, send me the details,
I’m definitely going to make it there!” Bob then told him, “A registered letter
will be sent out to you on Monday.” He paused and suddenly blurted, “Larry, excuse
me, please hold on for a second. It seems that Bob Rouse has to do an FCC
friend Bob handed me the phone because he couldn't control his laughter
anymore. It didn't help when I said, “It's 8:00 pm straight-up here in the
Windy City. I’m Bob Rouse here with Larry Fine. It's 83° at Midway and 16° at
this point we both lost it and went in to convulsions, laughing hysterically.
We ended up just hanging the phone up on Larry Fine. He was probably sitting in
that wheelchair until the day he died wondering when his plane tickets were
going to arrive.
warned you that Mike’s remembrance of Larry Fine wasn’t quite as cheery as
Maybe I was wrong about women appreciating the Three
Stooges, but there is no questioning their popularity. Hopefully these two very
personal accounts satisfied the many requests for more Stooges.
Until next time…from the booth.