Let’s see, nothing in sports jumps out at me. The MLB channel is showing the 2005 Home Run Derby. No thanks. I have heard all that I can handle of Chris Berman saying back-back-back-back-back…
Comcast Sports Net has ”The Music of Seal on Ice. If the person on ice were Seal’s lovely wife, Heidi Klum, I would watch. But she isn’t, so I’m not. Plus they just showed a Bob Rohrman commercial. He scares me.
How about Fox Sports North. Kent Hrbek Outdoors. Nope I’m a John Gillespie man. But they are showing the Brewers game from June 25, 2005 on Brewers Classics at 7:30. I will DVR that. That’s the game where Prince Fielder and Rickie Weeks hit their first major league home runs. After Fielder’s homer, he has a great moment in the dugout with J.J. Hardy. Raw emotion.
What are the big four offering? Hmmm, CBS has Criminal Minds. Not my cup of tea. My Name is Earl is on NBC. I haven't watched it before, so why start now? ABC is featuring an Ugly Betty rerun. Ya right, I don’t think so! And Fox is tempting me with American Idol. I would rather stick pins in my eyeballs.
TVLand has a couple episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, but they are in color and they feature Warren as the deputy. It is just a matter of time before Ken Berry pops up as the likeable Sam Jones. Obviously this is the beginning of the end.
I guess I will watch Ask This Old House on PBS until Hell’s Kitchen. Tom is helping some guy clean, stain and seal his mahogany deck. Wow! Now the guys are going to help a beleaguered homeowner prevent a raw sewage backup. Good stuff. This is way better than American Idol or Ugly Betty.
Oh well, in two weeks I won’t be plagued with this dilemma. Survivor kicks off its 18th season at 7:00 on CBS. I unashamedly must admit, I have seen every one of the first 17 seasons. I think I will begin writing my weekly Survivor recaps at that time. That is, right after Hell’s Kitchen. Until next time…From The Booth.
You are a TV fan after my own heart. (though I'll TRY to forgive you for not watching American Idol :D ) Hell's Kitchen has long been a favorite of mine! You can bet I was glued to the tube to hear what would be coming out of Ramsey's mouth. He did not disappoint!
Puddles...anyone ever tell you that you look like Mr. Whipple in your mug shot?
The Mr. Whipple???
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