I know, I know, what can I say? For the few that haven’t heard of facebook, it’s a social networking website. Basic features include friend networking with others and posting on a "wall" or "commenting" on pictures.
Among the many other features of facebook are a profile page, a place for photo albums and a myriad of addicting games to keep you occupied and prevent you from getting something constructive done.
You can also “chat” with your facebook friends that are online when you are. Of course you must learn a completely new language in order to communicate. Knowing the abbreviations is imperative.
Here are just a few of the acronyms that you must know –
BRB – be right back
LOL – laugh out loud
WB – welcome back
HB – hurry back
IMO – in my opinion
LMAO – laugh my ass off
TTFN – ta-ta for now
YQW – your quite welcome
WTF – I will leave that one for you to decipher.
One of the most interesting parts of facebook is a micro-blogging feature called "status updates" which allows users to inform their friends of their current whereabouts, actions, or thoughts. For example "Ralph visited Doris," "Sam called Mary," "Joey is going out with Jen," or "George is a total idiot."
I know riveting stuff, but those are only examples.
Here are some recent statuses. I have changed nothing but the names in order to protect the “innocent”.
Jason Johnson is happy to be back at work.
Lenny Lujack is going to eat healthy for lunch.
Nicole Harris Feel like I am about to have a nervous breakdown.
Mick Gagne Kids go back to school today!!~ I LOVE year round schooling!~
Tina Marie Smith studying & tanningg alll day. waiting for the boy to get off work. then maybe a lil shopppin w/ him anddd festival laterrrrr!
You see, they range from the mundane to the, well let’s just say, the more colorful. Some get so evocative, that it makes you wonder “what are they really saying?” I mentioned this to Fellow Survivor Geek Jamie, knowing her rapier wit would provide an interesting take.
Her are FSGJ’s interpretations of some actual statuses:
Jay Taylor typed - oops I can't do my status on this phone lol
What she meant was - I can't WAIT to get home to change my status!! It's important that everyone know my status at ALL TIMES.
Mike Thomas typed - was on the elliptical at Cardinal Fitness this morning, (yeah, even I am working out).
What he meant was - Just kind of bragging because on most days I'm so lazy I don't even exercise good judgment!!
Jack Schwartz typed - dinner and sleep.. that’s what’s on my mind....
What he meant was - Somebody PLEASE call me and ask me to do something fun!
Annette Hilton typed - After looking in the mirror, it has become apparent that my butt needs to get to a gym...stat!
What she meant was - How many seconds will it take for someone to FB me that my ass is actually perfect?? 1-2-3-4…
FSGJ provided me with at least a dozen more “status reviews”, but to be safe, I will stop with these four. They all made me LMAO.
Oh WTF, here’s one more:
Al Sorensen typed – The last time the National League won an All-Star game, I as an unsaved drunk.
What he meant was – I wonder where I hid that beer?
Hell’s Kitchen starts it’s new season tomorrow night. That should furnish me with something to write about! Maybe I can check out a few new statuses before that. Until next time…from the booth.
He Paul, I concur. Facebook truly seprates the witty from the What the? Good write - your Cuz
Hey, I made it as "Al Sorenson"!
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