Isn’t remarkable the different things that people give high degrees of significance? We are all guilty of this in one form or another. Whether it is politics, sports, television, music or pop culture in general, there are things in our lives that are very important to us that couldn’t mean less to others.
That’s all well and good, except for the fact that we feel compelled to share our feelings with others, especially those close to us. It’s human nature. The problem is that with blogs, facebook and twitter becoming so prevalent, we are making our personal opinions and feelings available to a growing audience. And I am as guilty of this as anyone.
That being said, something I heard on the radio this morning made me abundantly aware of this. WSCR’s Dan McNeil was interviewing Chicago Cub television broadcaster Len Kaspar and they were discussing the seventh inning stretch ritual that goes on during Cub home games.
Since the legendary Harry Caray passed away in 1998 it has become a tradition to have a celebrity act as “guest conductor” and lead the singing of “Take Me Out To The Ball Game”. Afterwards Kaspar and his partner interview the celebrity during the bottom of the seventh inning.
Please keep in mind that many of these celebrities aren’t huge baseball fans. This prompted McNeil to ask Kaspar if any of the numerous personalities that they have had in the booth have made him angry. His answer made me laugh out loud.
He basically said that although none had really angered him, it does upset him when some don’t realize the “enormity of the moment”. Give me a break. I hope I don’t get invited to be a “guest conductor” anytime soon, because I don’t realize the “enormity of the moment” either.
What can I say? I guess I just don’t get it. As of late there have been quite a few things that I am not getting. Evidently I am not seeing the importance of certain things that are of great concern to others.
However, there are a couple of things in the near future that are coming up on TV that may be of interest to you. They are to me.
What else is in my head? Let’s see…the final season of Monk begins on August 7th on the USA network. The 6th season of Hell’s Kitchen is scheduled to premiers two weeks from tonight on Fox. Finally on the television front, Survivor Samoa kicks off sometime in September. This will mark the nineteenth season of the award winning reality show.
Enough of my rambling. I see that the networks have returned to normal scheduled programming. Almost time for Judge Judy. Until next time…from the booth.
Take me out to the ball game…
Paul, Paul, Paul...though I agree TV is at an all time low right now there are some gems out there if you look! I got a little hooked on this show called "Dance Your Ass Off". I watched it the first time thinking it would be good for a laugh (me being not only thin/challenged but rhythmically disabled as well...) and ended up in awe at what some of those people can do! Any chubbette that can do a cartwheel and the splits while wearing spandex on national TV is A-okay in my book! :)
And I don't know...I think it would be an enormous honor to be asked to sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame at a Cubs game. But then again, I think it would be just as big an honor to be the Polish Sausage at a Brewer's game! Call me crazy! LOL
I could never do the Take Me Out thing. If I were to be a sausage it would definitely be te Italian!
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