So why am I so exhilarated about the arrival of these DVDs? Why am I so pumped up about a TV show when Major League Baseball is headed toward the playoffs and the NFL is playing games for real? Why am I so psyched? I will tell you why.
Simply put, The Wire is the greatest television show that I have ever seen. Hands down.
For those of you that haven’t had the good fortune of having experienced this great series, I will give you a quick synopsis.
The Wire is a drama series set in Baltimore, Maryland broadcast by HBO. The Wire premiered on June 2, 2002 and ended on March 9, 2008, with 60 episodes airing over the course of its five seasons.
Each season of The Wire focuses on a different aspect of the city of Baltimore. They are, in order: the drug trade, the port, the city government and bureaucracy, the school system, and the print news media. Despite never seeing large commercial success or winning any major television awards, The Wire has frequently been described by critics as the greatest television series of all time.
And I concur. Do yourself a huge favor and see for yourself. You don’t have to pay for HBO or purchase the DVDs, although at $70, you can’t go wrong. No, you don’t have to spend one penny. The Kenosha Public Library has it available for your viewing pleasure. If Kenosha has it, I am sure that your library will. So when I say check it out…check it out!
I am pretty sure that after you watch the first few episodes you will be addicted, I certainly was. Maybe it won’t be your all-time favorite like it is mine, but I promise that you will enjoy it.
Speaking of all-time favorites, here are some more of mine, in no particular order.
Barney Miller, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, Just The Ten Of Us, King Of The Hill, Leave It To Beaver, M*A*S*H, Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, Monk, Mr. Belvedere, Night Court, Northern Exposure, Seinfeld, Survivor, Taxi, The Andy Griffith Show, The Bob Newhart Show, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Drew Carey Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Sopranos and WKRP In Cincinnati.
These are all shows that rank high with me, some higher than others; like The Sopranos and Northern Exposure. But none are quite as special as The Wire. Check it out! Until next time…from the booth.
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