While I enjoy this lovely 60° weather, I have decided to shoot out a quick informational blog. These facts might be completely useless but I promise that they are interesting. Some of this random useless info might make you scratch your head or it may astonish you. Either way, this is stuff you never needed to know but will make your life just a little better once you do.
With that being said, did you know in 1972 I won the Kiwanis Club award for choir at Lance Junior High School? I was the male recipient, while Carol Mickewicz garnered the female honor. We were presented with our awards at an afternoon ceremony at Bradford High School. I think I still have it somewhere.
Did you know that in high school I nearly received straight A’s in gym class? It’s true. Despite my considerable girth, the B grade I earned in the first semester of sophomore year was the only time I didn’t get an A. Obviously Len Apple and Glen McCulloch recognized my efforts.
Did you know that in grade school I wanted to be a priest? My only concern was I didn’t know if I would like the wine. Eventually I dropped my quest of a religious vocation. Ironically, in high school I discovered I could guzzle an entire bottle of wine without stopping.
Did you know that I could name the starting lineup for the 1966 Green Bay Packers? While that in itself isn’t that unusual, the fact that I can tell you each of their jersey numbers as well, makes it rather impressive. Of lesser importance, I can do the same thing with the 1969 Chicago Cubs.
Did you know that I once got the family car stuck on the railroad tracks while in high school? It involved Southern Comfort, Schlitz Malt Liquor and Boones Farm Wine. Regrettably, it also included three females, some sailors and a trip to the police station. Oh ya, and a tow truck and a new pair of glasses. Oh dear…
That seems like a pretty good place to stop. Looking back, each one of these topics are quite “bloggable”. Let me know which one of these you would like to see expanded into a full blog. The top vote getter will be the subject of my next effort.
One last thing before I close. A week from tonight is the premier of Survivor: South Pacific and the return of my weekly recaps. It also marks the debut of Jamie’s Prognosis and Mary Beth’s 2Cents. The addition of these two Fellow Survivor Geeks should make the recaps very fun.

LOLFOFL!(not about wanting to be a priest).
Karen! Then what are you laughing about? :)
The car, railroad tracks and copious amounts of alcohol...seems i vaguely remember hearing parts of this story. Some of the stuff we did and survived in h.s.! When i read this stuff i am suddenly so much younger-the aged body and grey hair color just doesn't go with the way i feel inside! Ain't it great to re-live our youth? In this case, it is thru your blogs, Paul. Thanks!
I figured as much! LOL I have gotten several comments on facebook asking for more of the railroad track story. I am glad you liked it, Karen.
Well I think it has to be the car stuck on the rail road tracks, 3 girls etc etc
Oh dear, Sue. It looks like I will be revealing more of my tawdry past…
In Kenosha, I think everyone has some memory that involves a car on the railroad tracks! LOL But Boone's Farm...ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew.ew!!
Actually, the Boones Farm was for the girls. I guess I better write a blog to explain the whole ordeal…
Well well well I am shocked that u won a award in a choir because you can't blOody sing now !!!
How rude, Bev… ;)
I think every heavily catholic kid thinks about the priest thing for a while. I remember seriously considering it for a bit too.
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