Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Big Day…

Well, Tuesday is the Big Day. November 4th is the day when America elects the man that will end the eight-year presidential reign of George W. Bush. Politicians and pundits alike are calling it the most important election in America’s history. Yes, it certainly is a Big Day.

I won’t debate the significance of November 4th, 2008. That would be ignorant and somewhat hypocritical on my part. Knowing the gravity of this date, I have made sure that my vote would be cast, having recently done so through the Absentee Ballot process.

Having already done my democratic, oops (Freudian slip) - patriotic duty, I have done all that I can to contribute to the immense importance of Tuesday. No more answering those annoying phone calls urging me to vote for a particular party. Although, I will eagerly watch the election returns Tuesday evening, personally the Big Day has lost a bit of its luster.

Seeing that November 4th isn’t quite as big a day for me as it is for others, I have decided to make Monday my new Big Day. Yes, November 3rd is my choice for the Big Day. The reason for this choice is that it is the birthday of my friend from England, Bev Cooper.

I have known Bev for about 3 years and she is a wonderful, dear friend. All friends are special and should be treasured. Please don’t take your friends for granted. They are too precious. Happy Big Day Bev. I close with the words of Pete Townshend.

A friend is a friend
Nothing can change that
Arguments, squabbles
Can't break the contract
That each of you makes
To the death, to the end
Deliver your future
Into the hands of your friend

Until next time…From The Booth.

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