Thursday, November 13, 2008

Survivor Gabon - Recap Eight

Survivor Gabon Week 8 Recap - WARNING! Possible Show Spoilers In This Column! Tonight’s episode provides us with a totally new, never seen before challenge. But don’t worry, it is also chock full of Old-School Survivor elements. Plus, Jeff Probst finally utters the words everyone has been waiting to hear!

The episode opens with Kota’s Kenny feeling the power and Bob experiencing extreme anxiety, pinning his chances for survival on a merge of the two tribes. Over at Fang, it’s just a lot moaning and groaning about starving and having no more rice.

The tribes are gathered for the Reward Challenge, but alas no merge. Kota is visibly upset when they see that Fang has eliminated Marcus. Corrine and Sugar are the most verbal calling their opponents stupid. Charlie is simply crestfallen.

The challenge is slingshot golf! The tribes have to propel their balls towards the hole using huge slingshots, not unlike the ones you see at sporting events used to launch t-shirts into the crowd. Want to know what they are playing for? A trip to an authentic Gabonese ceremony/feast complete with authentic Gabon natives.

Fang wins the 3-hole competition, but not without Randy, Matty and Charlie bitching at each other while Sugar stands by smiling, staring off into the jungle. The reward is pretty standard Survivor fare. The only unusual part was during the dancing portion of the ceremony. Seems Randy senses that one of the natives was coming on to him and announces, “That’s the first time that’s happened in 20 years.” Shut up Randy.

Kota’s Bob has the distinction of being the first player, other than Sugar, to be sent to Exile Island in the last 6 episodes. Despite solving all the clues, he cannot find the Hidden Individual Immunity Idol. Resigned to the fact that Sugar has it, he goes old-school and makes a fake Idol! Shades of Ozzy from season 16 Micronesia. It was great! I think a tear rolled down my cheek.

After the reward has concluded the Immunity Challenge is next on the agenda. The tribes gather, Probst takes the Immunity Idol and then announces that they are now playing for individual immunity and those much awaited words finally come out of his mouth, “DROP YOUR BUFFS!” That’s right, at long last the tribes have merged!

The challenge is to make a fire strong enough to burn through the twine above your station. Each Survivor is given a flint, a machete, kindling and some sticks. Shockingly, only Susie and Sugar are able to create fire, with Susie emerging victorious.

Back at camp, the newly formed tribe is elated to find rice, beans, fruit and even some canned goods. The next endeavor is to come up with a name for the new tribe. Someone comes up with the bright idea of spelling Gabon backwards and the tribe is christened Nobag. They paint a flag featuring the new moniker and proudly sport their new buffs.

With all the fun stuff behind them, the Survivors decide to back to the real task, deciding on whom to eliminate. Randy bluntly expresses. “There’s no way I’m staying with Crystal, either she goes or I do.” Kenny, still feeling somewhat omnipotent, declares, “I’m like a little rat in the corner.” Then proceeds to make a disturbing rat-like face and some strange noises. Corrine states the obvious, "Sugar is such a moron!”

Despite Sugar not being Mensa material, she is the swing vote. For the first time in years, I have no idea who is going to be ousted at Tribal Council. The discussion is very volatile, with Randy and Crystal going at it. Sugar says something dumb and Kenny tells a big, whopping lie. Charlie attempts to be the voice of reason with little results. It’s time to vote.

Probst tallies the vote. The first four are for Crystal, who begins to cry, joining the already misty-eyed Sugar. Out of nowhere the next four votes are for Charlie. With everyone on pins and needles, Probst proclaims Charlie the 10th person eliminated and the second member of the jury. At least Charlie has been reunited with his buddy Marcus.

Next week should be promising. The battle between Randy and Crystal will surely continue to escalate. Corrine will probably become bitchier. It’s about time for Susie to start shooting her mouth off again and Sugar will remain the lovable airhead. I can’t wait. Until next week…From Gabon


Leplume said...

Hey! I cry "foul!" Haha! Don't sell Sugar short. She's made some bubble headed moves for sure but I think she's a whole lot smarter than they know. Everyone on Survivor keeps thinking she doesn't matter but her "I have a pretty good idea who these people are" statement at tribal council was telling! And yes, poor Charlie and Marcus needed to be together. I thought Charlie and Corinne were going to have a break down when they say Marcus got the boot! So perfect! Gah! I love this stupid show! Hahah!

Paul E. Vagnoni said...

Hee hee, you made me laugh out loud.I just imagine you saying those last 3 sentences;

As far as Sugar goes, perhaps you are right. It just that she seems to believe whatever anyone tells her. Maybe she is setting them up!

The same could be said for Crystal, the least athletic Olympic champion that I have ever seen! I wonder if she boo-hooed at the Olympics?