But what makes a really good nickname? One online dictionary gives the following definitions for nickname:
(noun) 1. An additional or substitute name given to a person, place or thing – usually descriptive and given in fun, affection or derision, as “Doc” or “Shorty”. 2. A familiar, often shorter, form of a proper name, as “Dick” for Richard”.
Puddles would probably fall under the first definition, although I have been called Dick. As far as softball players go, your guess is as good as mine. Most could fall under either definition, with some being somewhere in between. Still others just leave you scratching your head, saying, “Huh?”
Thinking back, I put together a list of over 80 nicknames for Kenosha softball players. Some are fairly obvious, ones given because of the player’s real name or a physical attribute. For example, Jeff “Red” DiCello, Roger “Worm” Wermeling, Bruce “Eddie” Edmark, Willy “China” Yee, Bill “Mountain” Griffith and Dan “Ozzie” Ausloos. You can see what I mean; they are easy to figure out how they came about.
Then there are those that are, simply put, good solid nicknames. Falling into this category are Glen “Munk” Ekern, Jimmy “Slash” Gentile, Fred “The Hammer” Parham, Jeff “Lumpy” Perrault, Brad “Chili” Breiling, Dale “Bear” Kolmos, John “Cool Papa” Schwarz and Steve “Blade” Hess.
Others in this group are Glen “Smooth” Marescalco, Tom “Bads” Beth, Dennis “Satch” Lumley, Sam “Finney” Perry, Steve “Beaver” Griffith, Dave “Smiley” Johnson and Gary “Juice” Andreucci. You would be hard pressed to find a stronger list of sobriquets for softball players.
The next group is the “head-scratchers”. These include the names that are just tough to figure. Take for example, Fred “Wally” Altergott , Ron “Nosh” Rossa, Kim “Roy” Myers, Jeff “Herman” Clark, Mark “Bwana” Issets and Ron “Mort” Zeith.
Certainly there must be a good reason for christening these players with these monikers. If you happen to know the story behind any of these, I would be glad to hear it.
For every hard-to-figure nickname there are those that are so popular that at least two players are attached to them. First are the “Docs” - Dennis Kalberg, Chuck Lange and Jim Nehls. Next are the “Rocks” or “Rockys” - Glenn Evenson, Domenic Tirabassi III, Dave Roehl, Rocky Witzman and Rock Jurvis. After that, there are a couple of “Cats”, Jeff Kaeppler and Russ Guerra. Finally we have two “Goons”, Mike Matuzek and Brian McGonegle.
Before I reveal my all-time list of great softball nicknames, here is my honorable mention list - John “Chops” Goodwin, Ron “Pig Pen” Greb, Tom “Buzz” Pinzger, Chris “Swammy” Wade, Rick “Cardo” Bloomquist, Kurt “Cooter” Sinclair, Jim “Downtown” Brown, Dennis “Tura” Lura, Chuck “Chooch” Portillia and Jeremy “Whammer” Kalbfell.
Here is my Top 10 list, in no particular order.
* Bruce “Hollywood” Meyers
* Gary “The Wizard” Peterson
* Danny “Love” McGonegle
* Larry “Laredo” Weiss
* Randy “Ducky” Aulwes
* Mike “Itchy” Griedanus
* Jon “Atomic Dog” Naumann
* Tom “Boom Boom” Keating
* Gary “Speed” Paskewicz
* Kris “Nightmare” Ray
To be sure, there are nicknames that were not mentioned in this column. Any of you Kenosha softball types are welcome to let me know whom I left out. Oh, by the way, thanks Harry, Arno and Ryan for that Puddles thing. Until next time…from the booth.
I think nicknames are something very particular to this part of the US. My whole family has nicknames for one another and my father's family had them too but I know people from other parts of the US and the world who never heard of this at all.
I have two nicknames. My friends used to call me Mootz and my family still calls me Moochie to this day! LOL
sobriquet ??? Had to look that one up! Now I need to know the correct way to say it when I unload it on some unsuspecting victim!!!
Love reading your stuff, Paul!
Thanks Karen!
I still get called "Reggie" all over Kenosha. Even ny family members call me by that name. Some names do stick with you a very long time.
How about:
Jim "Mr. Clean" Wilson
Jim "Squee" Yule
Mark "The Count" Montague
Louie "Iggy" Cairo
Bruce "SixSix" Benhoff
Mike "Goon" Matusek
Randy "Roach" Kirsch
Tom "Clipper" Klappa
...just to name a few.
Very good "Reggie"! I did mention "Goon" in the blog. Mark had several nicknames, "Q", "Montie" and my personal favorite - "Skag".
Didn't Puddles come from Jim "Rube" Weber ?
Danny, Jim "Rube" Weber did not give me the nickname "Puddles". If you want to read where I did acquire it, check out this blog:
Thanks for reading. Tell your friends!
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