A psychotic, demented, deranged and defeated broken man, but a defeated and broken man nonetheless. As twisted and unbalanced as Coach Wade is, he possessed sufficient mental stability to realize his time had come. He was just stable enough to know it was all over.
It wasn’t pretty either. He whined, moaned, made excuses and complained so much he caused Taj to roll her eyes and comment, “What a drama queen!” From the outset he was begging the others not to be sent to Exile Island. Something about his asthma. Ya, Right.
Of course JT did the “noble” thing and sent Coach packing to Exile.. He immediately started to bellyache and whimper. So, Waukesha’s own, Erinn proceeded to tell him off and basically called him a little girl. Not smart by Erinn, but very amusing.
A haggard and hollow-eyed Coach, supporting himself with a cane, limped back just in time for the Immunity Challenge. Jeff Probst, obviously fascinated by Coach, asked him what it was like on Exile Island. Coach, in a subdued voice says, “I was freezing, had no sleep, no food or water, it was euphoric!”
That was only one of the many verbal gems that Mr. Wade treated us to this evening. Here are a few others, “I was honored by defeat.” and “Coach Wade is the last of the Mohicans.”
Yes, he was now referring to himself in the third person. Stuff like, “Coach Wade’s foundation is built on the rock.” And of course, the afore mentioned, “Coach Wade is no longer in control of this game.” Let’s face it, the man is certifiable.
At the end of the Immunity Challenge, Coach collapsed to the ground in a heap. Everyone hurried over to see if they could help the fallen warrior. He muttered that his back had spasmed for the last ten minutes. Once he is helped into an upright position, a concerned Probst asked him if he wanted to be evaluated by the medical team.
The disheveled Coach swallowed deeply and through clinched teeth said, I don’t want to see the medics. I’m not leaving the game that way.” This caused Taj to roll her eyes once again and remark, “He’s so full of it.” Yes he is Taj, yes he is.
At Tribal Council, Probst, being the little instigator that he is, prods the once mighty combatant for his thoughts. Though physically and mentally spent, Coach did not disappoint. His “one more thing” soliloquy was one for the ages providing much chuckling and countless WTF expressions. And, to be honest with you, I don’t know what the hell he was saying.
When Probst said, “The twelfth person voted out and the fifth member of our jury…Coach”, I let out a little shout of joy. Then, pausing to reflect, thought about all of the memorable moments that this crazed lunatic provided us with. And you know what? I’m still glad he’s finally eliminated!
Sunday is the 18th season’s big finale. The final four is comprised of Taj, Stephen, JT and Erinn. At this stage, it is anyone’s game. One thing to watch for is look for some early friction, because Stephen crossed up JT by voting for Coach. It should be good, I can’t wait! Until next time…from Tocantins.
Oh yes, Coach Wade deserved an Oscar for his performance last night! His asthma, which he never referred to before in any episode, was classic. And the poetic limp with the huge cane as he made his way away from Tribal Council was, indeed, Oscar worthy. The poem he left as his parting words...well...I don't even know what to say about that. Just so weird. I don't think JT should be all that upset with Steven. JT didn't vote for Coach so he kept his word and he's rid of one of the biggest pests on the show so he is in a pretty good place if he makes it to the final two.
Can't wait for the finale though I know it will mean no more Survivor on Thursday nights for a while. I guess I'll have to read a book or something! :)
Read a book you say? What a novel idea! Ha ha ha…actually it is a great thought.
This was the best episode because Coach is finally gone, but it was unbearable watching him ramble on with coachism after coachism.
Going forward the key question is whether Steve will betray JT again. JT will probably win the jury vote against Taj, Erinn or Steve, so they should vote him out next. Let's see if they figure that out.
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