Hantz is just as ruthless as the mob boss from New Jersey ever was. He has his faithful minions just like Soprano did. Remain faithful and you are okay, and you stick around.
Similar to when Soprano couldn’t trust Adriana anymore and she was "eliminated", Russell figured he could no longer trust Liz last week…Poof she was gone!
Tonight, prior to the merge, Russell told us that he had to make sure that, “My seed is planted in all the dumb asses’ heads.” That was five minutes into the show!
Ten minutes later, when the tribes had officially merged into one, they celebrated with a big feast. By the end of the feast Russell had Monica from the old Galu tribe feeding him grapes. His take – “I can already see that I am ruler of this kingdom! Who do you feed grapes to? The King, that’s who!”
Back at camp, after the feast, Russell started working his diabolical magic on the members of the old Galu tribe. When he saw that Laura couldn’t be trusted, her fate was sealed. Before going to the Individual Immunity Challenge, it looked as if he had convinced enough of Galu to do away with Laura. Of course the members of the old Foa Foa mob, oops, make that tribe, would be steadfast in their loyalty to their leader.
Unfortunately, the producers of Survivor threw a wrench into the plans when they went all politically correct and declared that there would be a male and a female Individual Immunity awarded tonight. Of course the annoying Laura won Immunity and sent Russell back to the drawing board.
The portion of the show right before Tribal Council is usually Reality Television gold. This is when longtime Survivor Geeks can usually get a rough idea of whose heads might be on the chopping block.
Tonight was no exception, but who would it be?
To make things even more interesting, Erik the tree dweller finally grew a set and decided he would be the one choosing who would be sent packing. What happened to the guy who was just happy to see a rainbow?
With this new development in the equation, the plot thickened.
Would it be Shambo and her glorious mullet? Would Laura’s equally annoying sidekick, Monica, be the next to go? Had Erik turned into Phil Leotardo (another Sopranos reference) and organized a revolt against Russell?
While with the Sopranos, you didn’t mess with Tony Soprano, likewise in Survivor Samoa you don’t mess with Russell Hantz. When Phil Leotardo foolishly went after Tony Soprano, he was rewarded by having his head ran over and crushed by an SUV carrying his own grandchild. Erik’s fate for going after Russell Hantz wasn’t quite as gruesome, but Jeff Probst did tell him that the Tribe had spoken.
Tonight’s episode was very satisfying for me. New tribe, same result. However, Fellow Survivor Geek Auntie Janet couldn’t disagree more. She hates Russell. So much so, that she actually is pulling for the annoying Laura based solely on the fact that Laura is out to get Russell. I tried to explain to her that it’s only business. Until next time…from the booth.
I gotta give Russell kudos for tonight. Sure, he's probably the most manipulative, condescending player since Richard Hatch but, damn, he's good TV! And, you know, everything he says will happen, does. He doesn't really have to do much to get these chuckleheads to do what he wants them to do! Haha!
I have to admit...I do love these episodes when the person who ends up getting the boot somehow talks so much crap at tribal council it makes it seems like there was no other logical choice. Erik was a dunce. And full of himself. And talk about condescending!! The crap he said at tribal was CLASSIC!! So was the look on his face when he got the boot. Gotta love it!
Yes, Russell is good TV. Unfortunately, based on next weeks coming attractions,it looks like he might be on the way out.
Also, last night the vote was 12 to 2. Did you notice where the other vote for Jaison came from? Yup, the dimwitted Shambo. I don't think the others let her in on their plans in fear she will screw them up.
I can't wait till next week!
This was the best episode in a long time. I thought Foa Foa was going home one at a time, but no. The dynamics were so interesting to see.
Russell is a good player. He hurt himself, by doing so well in the immunity challenge. Other players are going to see he has a good social and physical game, and then he is going home.
I was happy to see Laura outfox Russell.
Shambo is fading. It seems like she does not talk to people enough. She may not be the brightest player -- mullet or not -- sorry Paul.
Even though I hate Russell, it will be sad to see him go. I predict he goes next week.
I have to agree with you Greg. The evil sock burner's days are numbered. You are in the same camp as FSG Auntie Janet regarding Laura. And Shambo just just don't get it.
Thanks for reading!
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