Originally posted Saturday, January 30 -
On June 30th, 2006 my parents, Emil and Milly Vagnoni, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. After they renewed their vows at a 5:00 mass at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, the celebration moved to the Moose Lodge.
Before the dinner, John Vagnoni, my Dad’s brother and my Godfather, made a toast to the guests of honor. Uncle John, not known for his public speaking, delivered a speech that was both eloquent and heartfelt. In that speech, he mentioned that Emil, his brother and my Dad, had always been his hero. At that moment, tears began streaming down my cheeks.
Thursday night, tears were streaming down my cheeks for Uncle John’s hero again, but this time for a much different reason.
Without going into great detail, my Dad had to be rushed to the hospital and was put into the Intensive Care Unit. On Friday morning I was told that the next 2 days would be crucial in his recovery.
That same morning, Christine, a Eucharistic Minister from St. Peter’s, brought communion to my Mom and I. While there, she suggested that I call Father Bill to see if he was available to see Dad. With no hesitation, Father Bill said he would leave shortly to bring communion to Dad and perform the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
This comforted me, because I knew that this would do wonders for my Dad.
My brother Joe and his wife Nancy brought Mom to the hospital to be with Dad, with brother Mike on his way as well. My sister Teri was making arrangements for a flight from Pennsylvania to be with her Dad.
After updating all of the relatives, I decided to put a short message on facebook to let everyone else know what was going on. This is what I wrote:
“Dad is in the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers as the medical people help him get better. Thanks.”
The outpour of responses overwhelmed me. No less then 35 people left a message saying that Dad was in their thoughts and prayers.
Today it is evident that God is hearing all the prayers from all of these wonderful people, as Dad’s condition has improved. The power of prayer and faith is truly powerful.
I would like to thank Father Bill, Mike and Amy, Teri and Mike, Joey and Nancy, Uncle Johnny and Auntie Janet, Uncle Joe and Auntie Joanne, Uncle Dave and Aunt Bonnie, Aunt Terri, Melinda, Annie, Anthony, Beryl, Bonnie, Carla, Carol, Cathy, Chris, Christine, Christine, Dave, David, Debbie, Jamie, Jayne, Jim, Joan, Joe, Judi, Karen, Liz, Louise, Mandy, Margaret, Marjorie, Mary, Mary Beth, Mary Kay, Michael, Nicky, Patti, Patty, Peter, Ron, Sharon, Sharon, Stephen, Sue and Susan. Thank you all for your prayers. My apologies if I left someone out, but I love you all.
And of course, I would also like to thank Dr. Habel and the staff at Kenosha Memorial Hospital for their care of our hero. May God bless you all.
That was the post. Thank you my dear friends, please feel fortunate, for now we have someone praying for all of us.
Paul thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. the blog was wonderfully written at the time and I am sure you found it difficult to put it back. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away but what he can never take away from you is the wonderful memories you will have and yes I am sure your Dad is looking down and praying for us all.
Thank you Sue.
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