The results of the Immunity Challenge were as follows:
Match 1 – Tom over Russell
Match 2 – Candice over Parvati
Match 3 – Rupert over Coach
Match 4 – Cirie over Jerri
Match 5 – J.T. over Tyson
Match 6 – Amanda over Danielle
Match 7 – Colby over Boston Rob
Match 8 – James over Randy
Courtney and Sandra sat out because the Villain’s tribe had 2 extra members.
All of the battles were enjoyable, with Candice vs. Parvati and Colby vs. Boston Rob being the most competitive match-ups. The highlight of the Challenge was when Coach thought that he had defeated Rupert, only to find out that he had fouled and a restart was ordered. The look on Coach’s face reminded me just how demented and spastic he can be.
Most of the other bright spots this evening involved Coach. At one point he declared that no one in Survivor is honorable. He then paused and added, “Except me.” He also brought back his fascinating fireside stories, which had his tribe mates rolling their eyes and shaking their heads.
Russell, the Hall-of-Famer, was up to his old tricks, this time hiding his tribe’s machete. He said he was just trying to stir things up. He also had his eye on Boston Rob’s treasured Red Sox hat. The two alpha males from the Villain’s tribe will butt heads and I think it will be sooner rather then later.
Random Ramblings – Tyson should just shut up! His comments aren’t clever and he adds nothing to the show…Just who are Candice, Courtney and Danielle? I definitely will not miss them when they are voted off…I don’t think that J.T. makes a very good bad guy. He just comes off as a little snitch…The Villains better watch out. Sandra is just going with the “flow” again…Finally, why is Cirie appearing on Survivor for a third time? For crying out loud, she was afraid of leaves!
Other than that, it was pretty much standard Survivor fare, albeit at an All-Star level. I just hope that they keep the players that actually possess a personality and continue to vote off the nondescript ones - Courtney, Candice, Danielle, Cirie, Tyson, Sandra, Amanda… Until next time…from the booth.
Not so much 'stuff' then. Seems that there is a lot of females that need to go ! Bet Coach's fireside stories are no where near as entertaining as your own (Arno !).
Ya Sue, it was a pretty average episode. As far as Coach's stories go, OMG! I will try to find the one he told the first season that he was on. It was incredible!
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