This season is going to epic!
Because we are familiar with the castaways due to the all-star format, I have decided to make this a “notes” column. Besides that, it was a two-hour episode and I am tired. Here are some of the things that I jotted down during the show tonight, beginning with the brilliant quote I spoke of earlier.
“Villains are smarter than heroes. It’s a proven fact. Google it!” - Russell Hantz
Sugar is wearing heels. Nice!
Great first challenge – women in bikinis wrestling in the sand. Excellent!
I was quickly reminded who I like and who I dislike. Likes – Rupert, James, Russell, Tom, J.T. and Amanda. Dislikes – Boston Rob, Parvati, Stephenie, Tyson, Jerri and Cirie.
Although I found it humorous to see Coach beat Colby during the Reward Challenge, I didn’t need Tyson’s smarmy remarks. Shut the hell up dude!
I found it amusing to hear the diabolical Russell telling the equally devious Parvati, “I want you to trust me.”
Maybe it’s the broken toe, but it seems to me that Rupert is still a tortured soul.
Even though I am not a big fan of Boston Rob, I was impressed when he made fire.
Watch for the lovable J.T. to flip and become villainous.
Did anyone else notice that the sound effect used when J.T. broke the chicken’s neck was the same as the one used when the medic pushed Stephenie’s dislocated shoulder back into place?
Speaking of J.T. breaking the chicken’s neck, how long before PETA is officially offended?
Colby has wonderful posture and speaks nicely. However, I am still getting tired of him.
Sugar hasn’t changed much. She is cute as a button, isn’t extremely bright and still cries a lot.
Tom is always thinking. I agreed with him – they should have launched the useless Cirie.
At Tribal Council, Jeff Probst is the master muckraker. He has made it an art form.
You knew Sugar was doomed when she couldn’t even figure out how to open the marking pen when she was casting her vote.
Those were just some of my random thoughts that I had scribbled down during the show. I know that Fellow Survivor Geek Jamie’s hubby is probably disappointed that the precocious Sugar was told, “The tribe has spoken.” I must admit that she was easy on the eyes, but she always spoiled it by opening her mouth.
Having mentioned FSG Jamie, through an email she has expressed some distress based on coming attractions showing Boston Rob passed out in the jungle. She went as far as to threaten a boycott if the bad boy from Beantown makes an early exit.
Like I said, it’s going to be epic! Until next time…from the booth.
The first fifteen minutes were action packed. I have to say that I did not like the shoulder dislocations, stripping, and broken bones. It was too extreme. I also did not like the gloating about Coach and Colby.
The worst part about this season is that Russell and Coach are back.
Boston Rob was impressive though!
Epic indeed! Loved every minute of it and cannot wait until next week. I hope Russell doesn't blow it by getting too cocky too soon. Wouldn't a finale with the final two being Russell and Rupert be cool? I hope, I hope, I hope!!
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