The very first thing I wrote on my pad was, “J.T. is starting to make me sick.” Further down the page I read, “Screw Tom. He is so insincere.” That is where some of my confusion began. That is because both Tom and J.T. were two of my all-time favorites. I can say, without shame that I cheered out loud when they won Palau and Tocantins respectively.
So why has my opinion of these two champs changed? Basically it is because I am seeing different sides of them. Tom has become “Tom Terrific”, the moral compass of all things Survivor, while J.T. has become a windsock while attempting to be a conniving bad guy.
A couple of things that Tom has said cause me to feel this way. During the second Tribal Council when StephEnie was voted off, he and James were involved in a rather spirited argument. After James had made a point, Tom responded with, “Maybe in your world, but I’m not in your world.”
At tonight’s Tribal Council Tom conceded to award-winning host Jeff Probst that this could very well be it for him, “unless a few good people decide to do what’s right and what’s best for the team and vote James off.” He sealed the deal with his “James, all mass, no class” remark as he voted.
J.T. has turned into a little boob. He wants to be evil, but doesn’t have the brainpower to pull it off. Each time he betrays someone at Tribal Council, he immediately starts making excuses the second everyone returns to camp. All he accomplishes by this is sounding like a whiny little girl.
Even Amanda has him figured out. After trying to mend fences with her and reestablish their alliance, by saying, no less than 10 times, that he swears he would never turn on her. Moments later, Amanda promptly said that she sees right through J.T. and has made at least twenty alliances already.
There are a few others that I have also changed my outlook on. Sandra and Colby used to be among my most-lived castaways, but they no longer hold that distinction.
Sandra contributes absolutely nothing, yet acts as if she is some kind of vital cog in the Villain machine. When the clip of her saying, “It’s not fair for one person to have the Hidden Individual Immunity Idol” was replayed this evening, I vomited in my mouth a little.
Colby, Colby, Colby. Dear Colby Donaldson. You aren’t a tough guy anymore. Coach and Tyson have both knocked your ass around this season and tonight Jeff Probst almost bitch-slapped you when you got snarky about the chocolate. Then you didn’t even compete in the challenge. Some tough guy.
Yes, the times they are a changing…sort of. The only reason I say sort of was because one thing has not changed. The Heroes are still STUPID! Once again in the Immunity Challenge they took an enormous lead only to piss it away when it came time to solve the puzzle. The Heroes just aren’t very clever, that has not changed
But, that’s okay with me because, much to my delight, I once again found myself cheering for Tom, the most noble and righteous person ever to compete on Survivor. However, this time it was when was he told, “The tribe has spoken.” The times they are a changing…sort t of. Until next time…from the booth.
Hey Paul,
I should be studying for my midterm, but NOOOO. I have to comment on tonight's Survivor.
Colby, Colby, Colby. What's up man? Dude, even your hunky good looks are starting to fade in my eyes...
James. What can I say? Still believing the world of Survivor revolves around you.
J.T. you have been found out but are SO inept at playing all sides you actually think you are the smartest one of the bunch.
I say watch out for Rob.
Russell the Leprechaun, I think you are toast as soon as you play the idol,which once again you managed to find.
I am waiting for Skeletor to drop one of these shows-my God, girl do you EVER EAT?
Poor Rupert, I know you were horrified when you sucker punched Jerri. I looked for blood but saw none.
Yes, it was quite the show again. Can't miss it. Yelling and swearing can be heard in our house on Thursday evenings. Luckily, Ray is a cop so there is no need to call one.
Hey what's up with the "in 2 weeks" for the next Survivor? Guess we have to watch some basketball instead. Could be some withdrawal.
Well, back to the books. K.
mmmm and I suspect there will be lots more changes - they obviously all work against each other - never a team effort. Interesting.
Very astute observations Karen! Lost in the excitement was Coach's lunacy and Amanda's heartfelt concern over Jame's injury. And I agree, DAMN the NCAA tournament!
Sue, despite never having seen the show, you are spot on with your analysis. It must be my excellent recaps! Hmmm…
Hey Paul,
Oh coach's lunacy was front and center but I think he is such a whack job everyone just thinks "that's coach." His crying was too much for me tho. An act? Mentally unstable? At this point I am thinking-cripes who CARES just shut up already! Group tai chi on the beach gagged me.
Say Amanda girl...hmmm? Really? I'm surprised they didn't do a slow-mo when you ran towards James. Barf*.
SUE! WTH! You don't watch Survivor? OMG. This neglect of a superior show must STOP. Change your ways before it is too late.
One can only hope.
Karen! You are cracking me up girl. Too funny. By the way, the reason Sue doesn't watch Survivor is that she lives in England! She enjoys my blog and is always good for a comment.
Hey Paul,
Mea Culpa to Sue-thanks for the clarification. We must do our best then to help her experience Survivor vicariously thru us! K.
Thanks Karen, I knew that you would understand. I was considering sending her a link to Hulu so she could maybe check out an episode.
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