It was understandable when the Villains narrowly defeated the Heroes in the Sears commercial that was disguised as a Reward Challenge. It was very entertaining, but it was a challenge based solely on physical skills.
But the Immunity Challenge had more of an analytical and cerebral slant to it and the Heroes lost again. Of the four Immunity Challenges to date, the only one the Good Guys were victorious in was a physical one, the Sumo/Mud Wrestling from last week.
Their dimwittedness was further evidenced when it took them three full days to discover the Hidden Immunity Idol clue that was hidden in their reward given them in the Sumo/Mud Wrestling challenge. Thing is, the Bad Guys found their clue three minutes after returning to camp from tonight’s challenge.
It was at this point that I wrote down, “The idiot Heroes finally find their clue for their Hidden Immunity Idol.”
Had Tom Terrific not found that Hidden Immunity Idol, the Heroes would have cemented their place in the Ignoramus Hall-of-Fame. Only the use of the Hidden Immunity Idol and a brilliant blindsiding prevented this. Like lambs being lead to the slaughter, they were ready to eliminate either Colby or Tom, two of their stronger competitors.
Seeing the astonished look on the leave-fearing Cirie’s face when she was told “The tribe had spoken” kept me from declaring the Heroes tribe a hopeless bunch of nincompoops.
Random Ramblings – When did Coach become a whimpering little bitch? First he goes crying to the insipid Tyson and follows it up by needing a “man-up” speech from Boston Rob…Is it just me or is Colby losing head-to-head competitions on a regular basis? In week one he was embarrassed by Coach and tonight, with the challenge on the line, he loses to Tyson…Sandra got under my skin when she whined that it’s not fair for one person to have the Hidden Immunity Idol. Maybe it wasn’t fair that you won $1,000,000 on Survivor: Pearl Islands…I am afraid that the Hall-of-Famer Russell is a marked man and might be shown the door sooner than I would like.
All in all, tonight’s episode of the award winning reality show was outstanding. The challenges were exciting and another personality-deprived individual was eliminated. Cirie was spot on when she said, “For my game, I need some of these strong players gone!” Maybe they’re not that stupid. Until next time…from the booth.
1 comment:
Ah yes, it was ta-ta Cirie who was getting on my last nerve, by the way. I hope beyond hope that Russell can get some of those dunderheads to listen and follow him and give him some more time in the game. Why do these people blindly follow Rob every single time? I don't get it! And yes, Colby cannot win a single thing. And he always looks stunned when he loses, which I love! LOL
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