Because of my love for the game show genre I have decided to do a survey much like the ones on Family Feud or Card Sharks. There are 10 questions that have no right or wrong answers, just your opinion. However, you will be graded on neatness…
1. What is your favorite topping on a pizza?
2. If you could only listen to only one album the rest of your life, what would it be?
3. What is your favorite game show, past or present?
4. Which of the Three Stooges was your favorite?
5. What is your favorite food item cooked on the grill?
6. If you could only watch one complete TV series the rest of your life, what would it be?
7. Pepsi or Coke?
8. What is your favorite spectator sport?
9. What subject would you like me to blog about next?
10. What was the first concert that you ever went to?
There you have it. Now whenever you have a spare moment, please do your best to answer all 10 questions. I promise you that it will be painless. Honest. Please send your responses to me via facebook, my email (vag57@wi.rr.com) or in the comment section of this blog.
That’s it until next time when I will hopefully have a slew of replies to write about. Until then…from the booth.
Okay, I'll bite! Here are my answers!
1. What is your favorite topping on a pizza? Mushrooms!
2. If you could only listen to only one album the rest of your life, what would it be? Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie. I am a HUGE Bowie fan and this was the one that hooked me.
3. What is your favorite game show, past or present? Hollywood Squares used to crack me up. The old Hollywood Squares, not any of the "newish" versions they may have tried.
4. Which of the Three Stooges was your favorite? Oh, here we go with the Three Stooges again. OKay, I'm going to go on a limb here and say...Shemp! Because he never gets any attention and people forget about him.
5. What is your favorite food item cooked on the grill? Chicken, all day long!
6. If you could only watch one complete TV series the rest of your life, what would it be? I'm assuming you mean dramatic series and not reality TV, so I would choose Twin Peaks. I LOVED that series and miss it and want it back!
7. Pepsi or Coke? Coke.
8. What is your favorite spectator sport? Jai lai. KIDDING! It's actually football and I'm a Packer Backer.
9. What subject would you like me to blog about next? Since I'm dieting and you're Italian and there was bound to be some amazing food around your house when you were growing up, how about blogging about the best thing you ever ate!
10. What was the first concert that you ever went to?
Okay, don't laugh....but it was the Bay City Rollers. Seriously...stop laughing. I mean it... STOP LAUGHING!!
Thanks Mary, but I am sorry, I can't stop laughing. The Bay City Rollers…
Sergeant Pepper's
Match Game
hot dogs
That '70s Show
Thanks Patty! The Monkees…cool!
1. anchovies
2. Tom Waits Orphans: Bawlers if I could only pick one of the 3 discs in the set.
3. The Match Game
4. Larry
5. bbq ribs
6. Twin Peaks
7. Coke, but I try not to drink it because of their "kill labor organizers" policies.
8. meh, politics
9. whatever your heart tells you to blog about
10. I think it was Metallica, in 1989, I was 14.
Thanks Julie. Larry is a nice choice. Sort of the forgotten Stooge.
1. Topping: cheese, but that doesn't count- gorgonzola, still not count -- mushrooms
2. Album: Purple Rain by Prince
3. Game Show: Wheel of Fortune
4. Stooges: Moe, obviously.
5. Grilled food: corn dipped in butter
6. Complete TV series: Battlestar Galactica the second one-- its that good
7: Coke; actually Diet Coke, does that count
8. Spectator sport: football
9. Blog subject: Inception the movie
10. Concert: someone I've forgotten at Summerfest. I don't do concerts
Thanks Greg! Unfortunately, I don't do movies. I guess I will have to leave that to you and your fine Depth of Processing: Movies blog.
1. Onions
2. Cat Stevens, Teaser and the Firecat
3. Hollywood Squares
4. Larry, of course!
5. Ribeye steak
6. Keeping Up Appearances (I was torn between this and Beavis & Butthead, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, 3 stooges, Leave it to Beaver, & The Honeymooners)
7. Pepsi (only because Diet Dr. Pepper wasn't a choice)
8. Gymnastics (football a close second)
9. Creationism
10. Johnny Cash
1.Sausage(pepperoni very close)
2.Any old beatles
3.Price Is Right ("Barkers Beauties" were gorgeous)
4.Curly (he could really take a beating)
5.Brats (boiled in beer first)
6.All In The Family (Archie typified the 70's like no other, frickin hilarious)
7.Coke (tough decision)
8.Football(NFL's winningest team of all time Chigago Bears).
9.Arno (please)
10. The Monkees w'Mom (1967), Bread @ Carthage College w'friends 1972
Thanks Jayne and Randy! Jayne, I knew you would choose Larry, since you met him at the fair. Randy, I remember that you were an Archie fan back in the day.
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