The Stepford Wives is a movie that was released the year that I graduated from high school. I am referring to the original from 1975. Yes I know that makes me really old. Anyways, that’s the movie I am going to discuss today.
The Stepford Wives is based on a 1972 satirical thriller novel written by Ira Levin. The story concerns Joanna Eberhart, a photographer and young mother who begins to suspect that the disturbingly submissive housewives in her new blissful Connecticut community may be robots created by their husbands. Some feel the novel is not only a parody on stereotypical American housewives, but also a study on feminism.
Basically the film depicts how the women happily go about their housework - cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking gourmet meals - to please their husbands. Unfortunately, Bobbie and Joanna discover that the village's wives have been replaced with robots, and Joanna’s husband wants in on the action.
Gradually, Joanna begins to realize that all of her friends have been replaced, and that she is in great danger. Her psychiatrist advices that she takes the kids and get "the hell out of Stepford", but the men are hiding Joanna's children.
I found the movie entertaining with an extremely eerie quality. Not Deliverance creepy, mind you, but freaky nonetheless. Katharine Ross turns in a strong performance as the paranoid victim. Peter Masterson portrays her husband with his real life seven-year-old daughter, Mary Stuart Masterson making her film debut as one of their children.
Other recognizable actors in the picture are Patrick O'Neal, in the role of the local men's club leader and Paula Prentiss standing out as Ross' lively best friend. Sadly, she becomes a robotic Stepford wife after a weekend "vacation."
Although The Stepford Wives may never be considered anything more than an engaging cult horror film, it has definitely left its mark. The term "Stepford Wife" is often used in popular culture, usually as a reference to a submissive and docile housewife.
Evidently the original had a strong enough following to merit a 2004 remake. The Stepford Wives II had a star-studded cast; featuring: Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler, Christopher Walken, Faith Hill, Glenn Close and Jon Lovitz. Even Larry King had a cameo.
Despite this prolific group of thespians, Stepford Wives II was a flop. Even though the original film and book had a tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by behind-the-scenes infighting, was dismissed by critics and lost approximately $40M at the box office.
Before I wrap up my first attempt at a movie review, I wanted to pitch an idea that came into my head while writing it. Well, to be honest with you, the current political scene gave me the idea. Hell, full disclosure. The current political scene spurred the entire blog.
Here is my brainchild for Stepford Wives III –

Not wanting to be too political, I will leave it to my readers to come up with the name for this version. I do have a few suggestions. How about The Anti-Stepford Wives or The Stepford Wives Rule America? Until next time…from the booth.
Cool blog, Paul. That was a great movie. To this day, I call my daughter Traci, the Stepford Child. She's 26 yrs old, had straight A's virtually throughout school, never smoked (legal or illegal), never drank,never skipped school, etc. She's our Stepford Child,lol
So, are you telling me that she didn't take after her Daddy?
Bachman is a viable candidate. Stepford wife, that is.
Nicely played, Will.
I was thinking Nancy Pelosi would be a great wife. How about the dirt that Hillary Clinton could throw in the picture and just for kicks how about Michelle Obama. There's three out of touch robots.
Ek, I'm not a fan of Pelosi, don't mind Mrs. Clinton. As far as Mrs. Obama goes, she's the first lady for crying out loud! What has she done?
Of the three that I have pictured, Kleefisch is the scariest. I think she might be the spawn of Satan…
So what makes these ladies (kleefisch) so scary? I just don't get it. Your wrong about the spawn of Satan, that would be Nancy Pelosi. She is the spitting image of him.
Like I said, I am no fan of Pelosi, but Kleefisch is the one to really watch out for. Have you seen her TV ads? She's a Sarah Palin wannabe! Sheesh…
Gov. Palin does not belong on the list. She is in NO WAY representative of a Steppy. In fact, she is about as opposite of that as a woman could get. Speaking as an Alaskan with firsthand knowledge, she is one tough, independent cookie. She is an easy target as the media can't get enough for some reason, but robotic she is not. I am referring only to lifestyle ability and not politics here.
Alaska Karen!
Fair enough about Mrs. Palin. My point was more directed at the other two ladies. Both seemed to have tried to become Palin clones, although I never heard of Palin dabbling in witchcraft.
On the other hand, Kleefisch is a former TV reporter for channel 12 in Milwaukee and is running for Wisconsin Lt. Governor. Her ads were the inspiration for the Stepford III angle.
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