I can’t go into too many details, because what happens at Sister Act stays at Sister Act. The only detail that I will let out is that there was a Mayor and a Wizard in attendance.
Shortly after I got home, I uploaded a few pictures from the event on facebook. I had barely finished when I started to receive comments. Two really stood out; one making smile, the other making me think.
The one that made me smile was from Patty 4-Names. She simply said, “Wow, it's the book come to life!” Not only did this make me smile, but also it sort of blew my mind. It was a very cool comment.
The comment that made me think was compliments of Bev, my friend from England. She presented me with this conundrum, “Was it worth it?”
Yikes, what a loaded question!
Keep in mind that Bev and I talk on a daily basis, so she knows me pretty well. She was aware that for this event, I did the following things:
Bought an ad that ran for two weeks in Happenings magazine.
Contacted the Kenosha Visitors and Convention Bureau.
Sent information to the Kenosha News.
Put it on the WLIP Community Calendar.
Wrote several blogs concerning it.
Created a “facebook event” and sent invitations to over 200 friends.
Placed an ad on my blog and on facebook.
Made many phone calls trying to publicize it.
Plugged it on various radio shows and in several online sport chat rooms.
Being aware of all of these things, Bev was fully qualified to pose that tough question, “was it worth it?” However, in order to answer her, I had to explain what I was expecting to accomplish with this event.
That meant breaking it down into three parts.
Number one, I wanted to sell and sign copies of “Some Kenosha Softball”. To this part, I would have to answer no. I signed a few books that had already been purchased, but the new sales didn’t quite cover the ads in Happenings and my half of the cookies from Paielli’s bakery.
Number two, I hoped to gather information and photos for my next book, “More Kenosha Softball”. To this point, I would have to say that it was somewhat worth it. I received some photos and information from another team. Several other people promised that they would get me back to me with something. Time will tell.
The final thing that I hoped to accomplish was to put together a softball reunion and reminisce about days gone by. This part made the whole thing worthwhile. Sure, it would have been nice if a few more of the people that said they were going to be there would have shown up, but the ones that did made for a wonderful day.
I said wasn’t going to reveal anything that happened at Sister Act yesterday, but I feel compelled to share this picture:

Now that I have done this a second time, I have discovered a few important things. Learning which things are worth spending time on, comes to mind right away. More importantly, I have learned that despite what people might tell you, don’t let your expectations get too high.
That being said, will I do it again? Of course I will! I will undoubtedly do some things different, but I can see doing something like this again when “More Kenosha Softball” comes out.
One last note: While preparing this blog, I received several inquiries asking if the book is still available. The answer is a resounding YES! The event may have passed, but the book is definitely still available. It makes a great Christmas gift. Stop by Sister Act and pick one up.
Until next time…from the booth.
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