In my humble opinion…Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle and Keith Moon comprised the greatest Rock band ever. The Who, formed in 1964, took a back seat to no one in the '60s and '70s. You can have The Beatles, Stones and Zeppelin; give me The Who any day. "People try to put us down, just because we get around."
In my humble opinion…Badstreet U.S.A. is the benchmark for sports-entertainment intro music. Nowadays every WWE superstar has his or her own distinctive theme music. They all have The Fabulous Freebirds, Michael "P.S." Hayes, Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy and Buddy "Jack" Roberts, to thank. They were the first to fully incorporate music into their ring entrance. "The further down the street you went the badder it got."
In my humble opinion…it would be nice to have an interesting local sports-talk radio program to listen to. The operative word is INTERESTING! The sad thing is we use to have one, but unfortunately we do not have one anymore. Enough said on the matter…it just makes me sad.
In my humble opinion…Kenoshans that suffer from sleep apnea or respiratory problems are truly blessed to have Kevin Metz and his wonderful staff at Metz Medical to serve them. Besides being a good, honest businessman, Kevin is also a considerate and caring human being and makes your problems a little easier to deal with. Thanks Kevin.
In my humble opinion…the greatest television show of all time was the HBO drama The Wire. Okay, The Sopranos is a close second, but it was fading at the end. The Wire always left me wanting more. If you have never had the opportunity to watch this tremendous program, you need to do yourself a favor. Beginning with season 1, rent or borrow the DVDs. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. One last thing, Omar Little - Rest In Peace.
I'm Polish so I could go on and on about all the great Polish food we eat at the holidays but I can clearly remember the best Italian food I ever ate. In high school, one of my best friends was Italian (go figure...in Kenosha...haha!) and the first time I ever went to her house it was around the holidays. Her Grandma was making homemade ravs and about a hundred different kinds of Italian cookies. These were things I'd never seen before and, trust me, I ate as many as I could get my hands on! And being a good Italian Grandma she sent me home with these goodies in abundance! Long live those Italian grannies! :)
Great point about being sent home with a bunch of goodies! I miss my Italian grannie.
Hey Paul,
In my humble opinion I completely agree with your humble opinion that Grandma's rav's were the finest.
In my other humble opinion you should talk to someone about hosting your own sports show.
Keep writing! Sues at
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