This week’s episode starts out showing how divided the Fang (remember it rhymes with thong) tribe has become. As the bickering grows worse, GC comments, “Not looking good for a pimp out here!” Even Kota has conflict with pseudo leader Ace having had it with Kelly and refers to her as a “Whiny little cow.” It ain’t looking good for the Fang gang or the Kota crew.
What could possibly cure Fang’s internal chaos and Kota's squabbling? How about a “twist”? Jeff Probst to the rescue. He has each tribe rank its’ members in order of importance. Of course this raises a few eyebrows. Marcus and Matty are ranked number one for their respective tribes and start the process of choosing new tribes.
Each new squad ends up with 3 new survivors on it. Neither tribe picked Sugar so she is sent off to Exile Island once again, with the stipulation that she return after the next Tribal Council, replacing who ever is voted off. Since she already has found the Individual Immunity Idol, she chooses comfort rather than a clue. She spends the rest of the show lying on a hammock munching succulent morsels of fruit.
Before the new tribes can get to know each other very well, they get tree mail announcing an Immunity Challenge. The challenge is a combination of water polo and lacrosse. Each survivor paddles around in his or her own little raft. As a team they have to try to shoot a ball into their opponent’s goal using their paddles.
It was actually a pretty interesting challenge with Randy scoring an unexpected hat trick as Kota shut out Fang, 3-0. Besides Randy, Marcus and Dan lead the charge for Kota, while Ace and Jacquie stood out for Fang in defeat. And yes, the challenge was another excuse for the babes and the hunks to be in the water in their swim wear.
After the challenge, Fang went back to camp to lick their wounds and argue over which tribe mate should get the heave-ho. It came down to either Jacquie, who has a B.S. in business administration from the University of Wisconsin, or Kelly, the sales manager from Buffalo Grove, Illinois.
At Tribal Council, the two blond beauties plead their cases with Jacquie, despite some earlier tears, gets “The tribe has spoken” speech and is the fourth survivor ousted from Gabon. One interesting note, during deliberation, Ace lost his thick British accent while making his point. However when he cast his vote, it miraculously reappeared! This reality television really is must see TV.
That’s it for week three. Coming attractions for week four tease us with “Elephants Gone Wild” and GC goes missing right before an important (aren’t they all?) challenge. This causes a tribe mate to utter, “Maybe a monkey ate ‘em, dude!” I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait. Until next week…From Gabon.
I love Survivor. I thought it was pretty funny that Ace's accent kept coming and going too. And no matter how long I've watched this show I'll never understand the logic behind some of these votes!
Thank you MB! I thought I was the only one who noticed Ace's ever-changing accent! I thought I was hearing things, hee hee. and I concur with your comment regarding the voting. Sometimes I just shake my head and say, huh?
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