Thursday, October 2, 2008

Survivor Gabon - Recap Two

Survivor Gabon Week 2 Recap - WARNING! Possible Show Spoilers In This Blog! Pole dancing and Slip ‘n’ Slides highlighted last night’s episode of Survivor. Just like last week, producer Mark Burnett provides us with a new twist.

Okay, maybe there wasn’t actual pole dancing last night, however there were 2 poles with the babes and the hunks clinging to them in the Reward Challenge. And in the Immunity Challenge, there were 2 humongous enormous Slip ‘n’ Slides. Honest!

The show started out showing how unorganized and seemingly hopeless the Fang tribe is. GC no longer wanted to be leader and Randy refused to replace him. It looked extremely bleak at camp Fang. That would all soon change at the Reward Challenge.

The Reward Challenge consisted of one survivor from each tribe wrapping their body around a large wooden pole while 2 survivors from the opposing tribe attempted to physically separate them from the pole. If and when they removed their opponent from the pole, they had to drag them up an incline across the finish line.

Ace, the pseudo leader of Kota, was dragged, fighting and kicking across the finish line by Fang’s Matty and Crystal. Amazingly, this gave the much-maligned Fang tribe a victory in this 2-out-of-3 Reward Challenge. Want to know what they were playing for? A couple of blankets, a few pillows and a hammock. Oh ya, they also got to send a member of Kota to Exile Island. They chose the bubbly Sugar.

Upon her arrival at Exile Island, Sugar, the 29-year-old pin-up model from Brooklyn, experienced the new twist. She had the option of receiving the first clue necessary for finding the invaluable Individual Immunity Idol or take a delicious apple and a comfy night’s rest. Duh! Unlike Eve and Snow White, Sugar didn’t fall for the old apple trick.

Despite admitting she was “no camper" and that “she didn’t like to get dirty”, Sugar was rather impressive in her efforts to track down the Individual Immunity Idol. Shortly after referring to a nearby group of crocodiles as “those giant lizards”, our girl Sugar did indeed find the precious idol. Just in time for the Slip ‘n’ Slide challenge.

The Challenge for Tribal Immunity required 6 survivors from each tribe, one at a time, descend down their slide into a murky body of water to recover a bag containing a number clue. They had to return to the top of the hill before the next tribe member could make their watery descent. After all 6 clues were recovered, a seventh survivor used them to solve a puzzle that formed a combination used to unlock a box. Inside the box was a big machete used to release the tribe’s flag. Some challenge, eh?

As you can imagine, the first portion of the challenge allowed us the pleasure of watching the babes and the hunks in their bathing suits sliding around getting wet. After they became wet, we were treated to them running up a grassy hill. That was the titillating part of the challenge. The second segment had a more cerebral slant to it, pitting Ken, a world-class video gamer against Bob the physics teacher.

Both of the survivors fit the stereotypes associated with their respective “professions”. Ken is sort of geeky with highly developed thumbs. Bob resembles Orville Redenbacher and goes so far as to fashion his official Survivor “buff” into a bow tie. Advantage physics teacher, right? Wrong!!! In yet another upset, Ken beats Bob, giving Fang another unexpected triumph over the gang from Kota. Kota must go to Tribal Council to vote one of their tribe out of the game.

Prior to Tribal Council, the usual posturing went on at camp Kota. It looked as if the majority of the tribe were buying in to Ace’s plan to oust Paloma, the diminutive waitress from California. While they plotted her demise, Paloma had ideas of her own.

Talking to the camera, as people often do on Survivor, Paloma explained that, “I’m like an animal in the wild. I am going to watch them – and then “prounce” on someone and eat them all up.” Trust me, I didn’t make that up. “Prounce” is not a typo. I watched that part three times to make sure that is what she said. Reality television, you just can’t script stuff like “prounce”.

Alas little Paloma’s efforts proved futile. She didn’t get to “prounce” on anyone or eat anyone up. The tribe spoke and said, “See ya!” Too bad, I was counting on a multitude of malaprops from her in weeks to come. Oh well, there’s always next week where coming attractions show GC uttering, “It’s not looking good for a pimp.” Hmmm. Until next time…From Gabon

1 comment:

Susan "SB2" said...

Hey Paul,
Loved the comment on the "apple trick". Thanks for keeping me up on Survivor since I don't see it any more. Looking forward to upcoming blogs. -Sues