In honor of this fine tradition, I would like to place the odds for the remaining contestants in Survivor Tocantins. Tonight, much to my chagrin, the adorable Sierra was sent packing. That leaves the official “field” at six.
Here are my odds for the 18th run for the title of Sole Survivor and the $1,000,000 check that goes along with it.
My long shot is Coach Ben Wade at 20 to 1. I know what you are thinking. How can this fool make the self-proclaimed Dragon Slayer the long shot? Easy, the man is a liar, a storyteller, a fibber, a real bullshitter! And at this point everyone is on to him. Besides, if he made it to the finals, no one would vote for him.
Going off at 15 to 1 is Debra Beebe, the middle school principal. Tonight she also proved to a liar, just like her chum Coach Wade. The problem is that she is not a good one. She starts blubbering shortly after the latest falsehood slips out of her pretty mouth. I wonder what the parents of the children at her school are thinking. Nice boobs?
Next is the local girl, Erinn Lobdell at 10 to 1. I realize that she is from Waukesha Wisconsin, but can you say windsock? She changes her mind more often than she changes her panties. Oops, bad analogy for Survivor. Because of her proneness to flip-flop, I could be wrong about Erinn. Could be the dark horse.
At 7 to 1 I have James Thomas Jr., affectionately known as JT. Before tonight’s episode I had the affable hick as my favorite. However, throughout the show he was constantly kissing up to the nefarious Coach. That, and the fact that I am tiring of his Jethro Bodine act, dropped his odds.
Although I don’t particularly care for him, Stephen Fisbach garners 4 to 1 odds. He is kind of a worm and a bit smarmy but that can be a good thing on Survivor. The thing I like most about him is that he is always thinking and analyzing everything. The fact that he hasn’t really pissed anyone off yet makes him a strong candidate to win it all.
The unlikely favorite is Taj George at 3 to 1. She was strong out of the gate, appearing to be powerful and vocal, a tough competitor in the challenges. Since then she has kept her yap shut and sucked in the challenges. The perfect strategy! She is not getting under the skin of her tribe mates and doesn’t seem to be a threat during challenges. Brilliant!
Please keep in mind that Taj and Stephen possess the only Hidden Immunity Idol. I am not sure which of them actually has it, but one of them does. Being that it must be played before the final four, it could emerge very soon.
There you have it, the official odds for the final six left at Tocantins. If you don’t agree, let me know who your favorite is. With that being said, I feel it necessary to remind Fellow Survivor Geek Jamie that Sandy is no longer available foe consideration. Until next time…from Tocantins.