Since there were flying pigs in tonight’s Reward Challenge, I chose that term for the title of this column. I usually look forward to writing the recap each Thursday night. So much so that I DVR “Hell’s Kitchen” so my thoughts are still fresh.
Well tonight is the last time I do that. No, next week, immediately following Survivor, I am watching Gordon Ramsay berate his group of chef wannabes. Then I might write something. Or I might wait until Friday morning.
I hate to say this, but Survivor might be approaching its final Tribal Council. Sure there were flying pigs (albeit of the clay variety) tonight. But that was about the only thing that hasn’t been done dozens of times before.
Hell, Taj even pawned a fake Immunity Idol off on Joe. When Bob did it last season I took it as paying homage to Ozzy. But Ozzy hadn’t just done it the preceding season! This time I took it as the contestants running out of fresh ideas.
Besides the lack of buzz, there is an even bigger void this season. That is the beloved twist. Everything has become so predictable. Please Mark Burnett, just one little twist!
Beside the flying pigs, the only thing out of the ordinary tonight was that the Timbira tribe members had inflatable pool toys to play with while enjoying the waterfall during their reward picnic. Yippee.
The lovely Sydney was voted out at Tribal Council leaving Taj, Joe, J.T. and Stephen the remaining Jalapao tribe members. The victorious Timbira boasts a lineup of Coach Svengali, Erinn, Sierra, Brendan, Tyson and Debbie.
So those are the ten Survivors going into the merge next week. Why am I so certain that there is a merge next week? Because they showed it on the coming attractions, that’s how!! Normally I would expect a twist, but not this season. Not a chance, no way, no how.
Out of respect to my Fellow Survivor Geeks, I will continue to attempt writing recaps. However, starting this weekend I am going to be writing about honest-to-goodness reality television. That’s right – game shows! Until then…from the booth.
I don't blame you one bit! This season is a stinkeroo for so many reasons. No twist, no interesting characters, no drama...nothing. Even the scenery seems tame and boring to me! Ooh, what was the big issue tonight? Oh yeah, Coach burned the beans. Whoopee! Honestly, isn't time for someone to get stung by a jelly fish or fall in the fire or pull off some fantastic double cross. This group is dull, the challenges are dull, the prizes are dull. Where's the everyone has to eat slime covered rats challenge? I'll stick with it but I'm really losing interest. Something interesting better happen next week. I swear...
You are too harsh. The Survivor seasons always lag at about this point. There are too many people to get to know, and too many people to have interesting game play. This season is not as good as last season, but I still have hope.
I hope that you are right Greg! Who do consider the favorite this season?
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