When Probst proclaimed, “The tribe has spoken” to Coaches main stooge and right-hand man Tyson, I was ecstatic. The only emotion that could have equaled my elation was the utter astonishment felt by the Coach.
Until those glorious words were spoken I didn’t really believe it would happen. From the beginning it appeared that Sierra’s impending exit was only a formality as Coach calmly explained to her that, “In love and war, it’s killed or be killed.” Huh?
As it turned out it, he was talking to the wrong person. It should have been his smarmy sidekick Tyson the slimy rat bastard.
Early in the show, Tyson made his feelings clear by saying, “I don’t like Sierra, she is of no worth!” Later, in his best little snotty voice, he told her, “You’re the next to go and you’re not going to be able to change that.”
Obviously Coach had Tyson convinced just how invincible the Warrior Alliance was. So much so that in the Immunity Challenge Coach, JT and Stephen ate pizza rather then competing. This move left Tyson as the only male in the challenge.
Only some last second heroics in the challenge by Debra prevented Sierra from spoiling Coaches devious plot before they even got to Tribal Council. This actually made the ending all the more spectacular and unexpected.
Shortly before Tribal Council, Tyson, being the repugnant jerk that he is, declared to whoever was listening, “Tonight’s Tribal Council will be awesome. I hope Sierra cries a lot.” Hey Tyson, who’s crying now?
With the apparent Warrior Alliance crumbling before our very eyes, it makes you wonder what tricks the maniacal Coach has left up his sleeve. Remaining for him to work his magic on are JT, Erinn, Taj, Stephen, Debra and my girl Sierra.
That’s all I have for you. I told you that I would make it short, that I wanted to celebrate this miraculous blindside. It will be very interesting to see what’s in store for us next week in Tocantins. Until then…from the booth.
I LOVE TONIGHT'S EPISODE!! I don't know what was better. Coach's face when he realized what was happening, Tyson's face when he was forced to eat crow or Sierra's face when she realized that, through no effort on her part, OTHER people had blindsided Coach and Tyson! And since she voted for Tyson, JT didn't have to break his word with Coach which will leave him a good position next week. Oh yes this was good!
Tyson and Coach are so unlikeable that this show was hard to watch. The entire show telegraphed that Sierra would go home, but the blindside of Tyson was too much of a complete surprise to be good TV.
I just hope that Coach goes soon since I can't stand his pompous bull.
Why shouldn't Coach sit out on the challenge? It seems he's the only one that doesn't notice how crappy he is at any of the challenges. I sure did enjoy seeing Coach get knocked down a peg!!! I wonder what words of wisdom he'll bestow upon us next week?
I loved this week's show! Good riddance rat bastard Tyson! And though I hate to say it (again), Coach is the guy to drag along to the finals. He's absolutely no threat in the challenges and everyone hates him – is there a better combination for a final three survivor???
You made two great points Karen. The first being the Coach not participating in the challenge was a good move. He does suck in them!
Secondly, it would indeed be good strategy to take him to the finals. Plus he makes for good TV!
And Tyson was a rat bastard, wasn't he?
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