I am going to cut right to the chase, after a heated exchange with the Hall-of-Famer Russell, Boston Rob looked him straight in the eye and said, “and it’s either you or me tonight.” And he was right and was told by Probst, “With four votes, the eighth person votes off is Boston Rob.”
The tribe had indeed spoken and Am-Bah’s husband was sent packing. But not before he avoided Coach’s embrace and told him that he was a little man. I have never been a fan of Boston Rob, but I am truly sad to see him go. He always provided for great theater.
With Boston Rob’s dismissal, we are left with twelve people competing for the $1,000,000 first prize. There are seven Villains and five Heroes remaining, made up of seven ladies and five guys.
With the merge looming in the not-so-far distance, here is how I rank the final twelve. Please keep in mind; this is how I want them to finish, not how I think they will finish.
1. Russell. I am sorry FSG Auntie Janet, but this guy is the best. He is a first ballot Hall-of-Famer. He was born to play Survivor.
2. Rupert. I can’t help but pull for the big hairy galoot. As popular as he is, I still think he is somewhat of a tortured soul.
3. Amanda. This time I must apologize to FSG Jamie. But hey, I can’t help it; she fills out her bathing suit very nicely.
4. JT. I don’t know why, maybe because it’s he says “y’all” just like James used to.
5. Colby. Previously he would have never have been this high on my list. But tonight he finally grew a set and became the Colby from season two that I enjoyed so much.
6. Parvati. I couldn’t stand her on her first two seasons on Survivor. Now I can tolerate her because she is bright enough to align herself with the Hall-of-Famer.
7. Coach. Okay, he is a pompous, self-righteous, sanctimonious ass, but he was the only one with enough sense to realize that Courtney was the Villain that should have been eliminated.
8. Jerri. I have never cared for that her much in the past, but this season we are seeing her emotional side. Maybe that has been her problem in the past, she can’t let things go.
9. Danielle. Wake me up when she does anything worth noticing. It hasn’t happened yet.
10. Candice. She is the Heroes version of Danielle. Zzzzzz……
11. and 12. Courtney and Sandra. It had to be a tie, I just can’t get the image of Skeletor playing with the Rosie Perez wannabe’s hair on the beach. It reminded me of two monkeys in the zoo picking at each other.
Like I said before, the merge is right around the corner, which will make things very interesting. If the ladies were smart the would form an alliance, otherwise Russell will run roughshod. Until next time…from the booth.
Russell is the man! I was so happy to see Boston Rob go I just about jumped when Probst announced it. The problem is, Russell has what it takes to make it to the end but no one likes him so he won't get the jury votes. He deserves the votes. Hell, CBS ought to give him his own damn show! LOL and OMG!!
I cannot believe this season. Like you say, he won't get the votes to win, but I just enjoy every week that he is around. How about when he told Boston Rob he would get rid of Sandra and Courtney when they were sitting three feet from him! EPIC!
Just when you think it can't get any better it DOES!
I wasn't sure if Rob was talking to Russell or coach when he said the bit about being a little man? I was sure skeletrix was going to be in pieces at one point in the challenge tonight-which was both funny-LOL-and worrisome-OMG.
OMG. Well written and described but Paul how can Amanda (in your eyes) come third just because she fills out her swim suit nicely?! LOL. If it is like this before they merge it will be so interesting when they do.
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