Here's a cast picture with some bios:

Zapatera Tribe
Name: David Murphy (31), West Hollywood, CA, Defense Attorney.
Hobbies: Sports, hanging out with friends and watching TV/movies.
3 Words to Describe You: Intelligent, thoughtful and sarcastic.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'd like to think I'd be myself and be original.
Name: Julie Wolfe (50), Oceanside, CA, Firefighter.
Hobbies: Outrigger canoe paddling, stand-up paddling and motherhood.
3 Words to Describe You: Hardheaded, outspoken and spoiled.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Ashley from Survivor China. She was a strong outspoken woman whose mouth got her voted off the first episode.
Name: Krista Klumpp (25), Columbia, SC, Pharmaceutical Rep.
Hobbies: Water sports, traveling and running.
3 Words to Describe You: Driven, competitive and approachable.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I thought I was most like Natalie White because we had such similar backgrounds, but I expect to play the game with a little more edge.
Name: Mike Chiesl (31), Del Mar, CA, Former Marine.
Hobbies: Scuba diving, football and golf.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, disciplined and outgoing/outspoken.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Rudy. Nobody was intimidated by him, so he wasn’t voted out early and he had the ability to tough it out.
Name: Ralph Kiser (45), Lebanon, VA, Farmer.
Hobbies: Hunting, hiking and traveling.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, strong-willed and stubborn .
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm probably a combo of Big Tom and J.T.
Name: Sarita White (36), Santa Monica, CA, Visual Effects Producer.
Hobbies: Travel, art and lounging around in various stages of repose.
3 Words to Describe You: Sagacious, wily and influential.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Some strange combination between Courtney with her awkwardness in challenges and James with his kindness and blind loyalty.
Name: Stephanie Valencia (26), Long Beach, CA, Waitress.
Hobbies: Watching movies/plays, traveling and reading.
3 Words to Describe You: Feisty, unconstrained and ambitious.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: If Parvati and Russell had a love child, it would be me.
Name: Steve Wright (51), Huntington Beach, CA, Former NFL Player.
Hobbies: Photography, scuba diving and biking.
3 Words to Describe You: Honest, sincere and relentless.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Tom Westman - just a pretty normal likeable guy.
Former Castaway – TBA
Ometepe Tribe
Name: Andrea Boehlke (21), Random Lake, WI, Student (UW Stevens Point)
Hobbies: Sports, theater, horseback riding, hunting and outdoor activities.
3 Words to Describe You: Hard-working, competitive and outgoing.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Perhaps a mixture of J.T. because he is hard working and has a farm background and Parvati because she's competitive and knows how to have fun, but I'm also very unique.
Name: Ashley Underwood (25), Benton, ME, Nurse.
Hobbies: Basketball/sports, four-wheeling and helping out on the family farm.
3 Words to Describe You: Feisty, competitive and athletic.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm not like anyone but myself.
Name: Francesca Hogi (36), Washington, DC, Attorney.
Hobbies: Writing, yoga and watching movies.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, opinionated and stubborn.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I would most likely be a Cirie/Boston Rob combo.
Name: Grant Mattos (29), West Hollywood, CA, Yoga Instructor.
Hobbies: Largemouth bass fishing, surfing and writing.
3 Words to Describe You: Outgoing, positive and friendly.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: ???
Name: Kristina Kell (46), Malibu, CA, Law Student (La Verne College).
Hobbies: Computers.
3 Words to Describe You: Stubborn, logical and fair.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: None.
Name: Matt Elrod (22), Nashville, TN, Pre-Med Student.
Hobbies: Athletics, reading and exploring.
3 Words to Describe You: Mysterious, impulsive and deep.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Any contestant who has played the game with honesty and integrity.
Name: Natalie Tenerelli (19), Acton, CA, Professional Dancer.
Hobbies: Dancing, spending time with friends and family, and trying to cook…sometimes this ends badly.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, spontaneous and positive.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Natalie White from Samoa.
Name: Phillip Sheppard (52), Santa Monica, CA, Technology Executive.
Hobbies: Chess, basketball, skating and sport training with weights.
3 Words to Describe You: Outgoing, articulate and determined.
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I am my own man!
Former Castaway – TBA
What do you think? Who do you like? Leave your thoughts in the comment section, on facebook or email me at: I will give my take later this week. Until next time…from the booth.
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